Come And Meet Us at Malvern - Countrytastic 12 April 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 7:21PM
Michael Cutter in Countrytastic, Greyfaced dartmoors, Ryeland sheep, Three Counties Showground, greyfaced dartmoors, sheep

Over the last few years we have attended Countrytastic at the Three Counties Showground Malvern  This is a day for children with many hands-on activities and also meeting and chatting to farmers.  We are going to take along Dot and her baby boy Billy-Jo, see the photo, he is so cute!  Steve will also take some of the Ryelands and will be there to talk about sheep and give a clipping demonstration.  This is a brilliant day out for the children and also the grown-ups.  The theme this year is Dairy and there will be the opportunity to see cows being milked.  Hope to see you there.

Article originally appeared on Oakberrow (
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