lambing is finished and looking forward to CountryTastic
Monday, April 7, 2014 at 12:03PM
Michael Cutter in Countrytastic, Three Counties Showground

Cleo with Charlie and a naughty RyelandLambing has gone really well finishing off with 3 sets of twins on Saturday.  There have been some really stunning lambs born this year and looking forward to showing them at the shows later on. 

Next week there will be some of them at CountryTastic which is held on 17 April at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern CountryTastic - Three Counties Showground  This is a great day out for children with the majority of the event being undercover and there are lots of free activities and also an opportunity to meet the animals and catch a glimpse of Adam Henson fresh from Lambing Live.  Come and have a chat - Steve will be there with some of the Dartmoors and Ryelands and wish him Happy Birthday as well.

Article originally appeared on Oakberrow (
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