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Entries in Paignton Championship Dog Show German Shorthaired Pointers (1)


Olympic Gold for Foster - Oakberrow Wotzinaname Sh.Cm

What a brilliant day we had at Paignton Championship Show yesterday - 5 August.  Breed Specialist Jean Bates was the judge on the day and she awarded Foster his first Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed.  Only 2 more and Foster can claim the crown of Show Champion.   To me it was like winning Gold at the Olympics, a day to remember. 

It was great that Steve was with me and also my great friend Di came along and John together with JD - Sh Ch Oakberrow Xsepshunall at Southmead.  I would also like to thank everyone for their congratulations.

On a sad note - my sister Carina was not there to be witness to Foster's success.  Cannot believe that it is a year since she died.  I am sure that she would have been as delighted as I was with Foster. 

So thanks Jean and roll on the next 2!!!!

Oakberrow Wotzinanane SH.Cm (Foster) posing!!