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Come And Meet Us at Malvern - Countrytastic 12 April 2012

Over the last few years we have attended Countrytastic at the Three Counties Showground Malvern  This is a day for children with many hands-on activities and also meeting and chatting to farmers.  We are going to take along Dot and her baby boy Billy-Jo, see the photo, he is so cute!  Steve will also take some of the Ryelands and will be there to talk about sheep and give a clipping demonstration.  This is a brilliant day out for the children and also the grown-ups.  The theme this year is Dairy and there will be the opportunity to see cows being milked.  Hope to see you there.

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  • Response
    These lams looks to me very good and as you mentioned about the new born lamb is also a great news for you. I want to wish them and their families a very good life and environment. I hope that you will able to grow as fast as my lamb.
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